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Assassin Creed 4

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Thursday, June 23, 2016

PES 2017 - Impressions

With PES 2017, Konami is introducing a host of new improvements that not only pertains to gameplay, but every other feature that supports the game. From myClub, to the presentation and live updates, to goalkeepers and data sharing, Konami is promising a well-rounded affair. Here’s what we learned...

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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Canada: Free Copies Of Games of the year!

This weekend, Best Buy and FutureShop outlets in Canada are offering free copies of Call of Duty: Ghosts,Battlefield 4, and Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag for the trade-in of any current-gen console game. Although this deal sounds too good to be true, the details are confirmed both on...

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Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified: The Review

The Burea: XCOM Declassfied There’s a board game called Taboo!, which is itself apparently based on another game called Articulate! The core mechanic in these games is that a player has a word which they must describe without using a set of words on the same card. Thus,...

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tom Clancy's: THE Devision Announced on PC

Tony Clancy's: The DIVISION Today at Gamescom 2013 Ubisoft officially confirmed that The Division, its upcoming tactical shooter MMO, previously announced for next-gen consoles, is also coming to PC. Tony Clancy's: The DIVISION                                 "Massive Entertainment has its roots in PC development... you can be certain that we...

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PS4: Comming On November

PS4: The Design PlayStation 4 will release on November 29th, 2013 in Europe and November 15 in the US and Canada. Revealed during Sony's Gamescom 2013 press conference, the $400 next-gen console's date will compete with Microsoft's November release window for Xbox One. PlayStation 4 has already surpassed...

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Battlefield 4: Beta Version On October

Battlefield IV Today at EA's Gamescom 2013 press conference, DICE officially confirmed that theBattlefield 4 beta will begin in October. The Battlefield 4 Beta was announced way back in 2012. Beta access was granted with the purchase of Medal of Honor Warfighter, with more ways of getting in...

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Xbox One: Launch Lineup Revealed [Nov 2013]

Xbox One: GamePad Following its Gamescom showcase today, Microsoft revealed the full list of titles that will be available on Xbox One at launch.     Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag (Ubisoft, Ubisoft)     Battlefield 4 (DICE, Electronic Arts)     Call of Duty: Ghosts (Infinity Ward, Activision)     Crimson...

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FiFa 14: Demo Available on 10/09/2013

Fifa 14: Messi Cover EA has finally announced that FIFA 14 will be, for the first time, free to play on mobile devices. Justin Davis rather enjoyed its touch controls during the first hands-on. A FIFA 14 demo will be available on September 10 for Xbox 360, PS3...

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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Resident Evil: Revelations - First Minutes of The Game

Resident Evil: Revelations A new Gameplay Video Brought to you By "GeekKup" Team.This is a little introduction to the "Resident Evil: Revelations" Environement. GamePlay By "Yansama":        CPU: i5-2350        GPU: EVGA GTX-650 Ti (Boost)        Memory: 8Gb DDR-3        Monitor: Samsung 23 inches (HDMi) ...

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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Upcoming PS4 games: The Most Exciting

PS4 Hardware Announcement Now that both Sony and Microsoft got their hardware announcements out of the way, the only things left for the new consoles are the games. Some of us can’t wait to drop a relatively merciful $399 on Sony’s PS4, and these are the games we’re...

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20 Thing: To Know about PS4

PS4 Did you know the new PS4 interface is called PlayStation Dynamic Menu? Or that the PS4 will be the first console to come packaged with an HDMI cable? More of such lesser known information bits are shared on the new PlayStation Access video, which recaps 18 other...

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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Xbox One: 8 Confirmed games

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag One of the big complaints about the Xbox One unveiling yesterday was the lack of games announcements. That’s true, the focus was almost completely on games and services, and in particular TV, but a few games were announced. However, the Xbox One library...

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ARAIG: Feel Every Painfull bullet!

  ARAIG: Feel The Pain As the gaming industry moves along, it continues to tackle adding the five senses to the medium. It’s now had motion control so precise, that we quickly grew bored of waving around our 1:1 virtual tennis rackets. The Oculus Rift is attempting to...

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The Last of US: IGN Review

The Last of Us isn't only PlayStation 3's best exclusive. It's an outright masterpiece. The Last of Us is a near-perfect analog for The Road, a literary masterpiece written by Cormac McCarthy. Both present a hopeless, post-apocalyptic situation navigated by two characters – an adult and a child...

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PES 2014 - Konmi reveals the New features

PES 2014 Konami has declared that PES 2014 will "mark a new beginning for the popular series". A press release declares aspect of the game has been "totally reworked, throwing off the shackles of previous limitations and allowing the PES Production team to produce a game much closer...

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