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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Upcoming PS4 games: The Most Exciting

PS4 Hardware Announcement

Now that both Sony and Microsoft got their hardware announcements out of the way, the only things left for the new consoles are the games. Some of us can’t wait to drop a relatively merciful $399 on Sony’s PS4, and these are the games we’re most looking forward to playing once that’s happened…
Upcoming PS4 games that have us excited

The Witness: The Game
  •     The Witness: Jonathan Blow’s Braid followup, a 3D adventure puzzler set on an island.
Metal Gear Solid V: : The Game

  •     Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain: Kojima’s next MGS opus, follows the exploits of Snake (or Big Boss, depending on how you like to refer to your convoluted universe) after the events of the PSP’s Peace Walker.
Dying Light: The Game

  •     Dying Light: Developed by Techland of Dead Island fame, the game appears to be a parkour-inspired zombie survival game. The trailer is reminiscent of Dead Island‘s initial cinematic trailer-with-a-depressing-twist, but perhaps this time Techland can deliver on a trailer’s promise.
Destiny: The Game

  •     Destiny: This is what Bungie has been up to post-Halo. Yes, it’s a sci-fi FPS with space-armored soliders, but the public event feature makes it quite interesting even if you’re sick of space-armored marines shooting things.
Octodad: The Game 

  •     Octodad: Dadliest Catch: Sony could not have picked a better game to show support for the indie community, as well as to flex the company’s “we know the indie scene” muscles. Dadliest Catch is a sequel, and we can expect more of the wonderful same from the first game, wherein you are an octopus disguised as a dad with a human family, attempting to complete common household tasks. It’s great.
Hohokum: The Game

  •     Hohokum: A relaxing exploration game that you progress through at your own pace, without instructions to tell you what to do, Richard Hogg’s Hohokum already looks like it could be the PS4′s Flower.
Thief: The Game

  •     Thief 4: Whatever feelings you had about the previous Thief and its switch to a third-person perspective, there still isn’t really a game on the market that captures true thievery and stealth gameplay like this franchise. Hopefully, Thief 4 will be able to patch up some of Thief 3′s shortcomings.

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