Black Ops 2: Multiplayer Free On Steam This Weekend, Double XP On All Platforms
Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2: The Game |
Fancy having a go at Call of Duty: Black Ops 2‘s multiplayer for free? Well be sure to sign into Steam this weekend where you can play the whole thing at no extra charge. There’s also a nice little double XP event for those who have already bought the game.
As well as being free all weekend on PC the game is also on sale for those who like what they see. From now until Monday you can pick up the game at 33 percent off for $40.19, or you can grab the Digital Deluxe Edition for $53.59.
Treyarch has also revealed that starting today at 10am PDT players can earn double XP in Black Ops 2 across all platforms (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, and Wii U) until Monday at 10am PDT.
Double XP kicks off tomorrow at 10am/PDT (360,PS3/PC/WiiU) and runs through Monday 10am/PDT.
"What’s that? You feel a sick day coming on?" xD