Battlefield 3: Ongoing DDoS Attack Still Affecting Servers, No User Data Involved
Battlefield 3: The Game |
DICE has revealed that the Battlefield 3 and Battlelog servers have been under a constant DDoS (Denial of Service) attack for the last several days, but the developer promised that it is fighting back and is almost on top of things.
“Despite our security measures, we have been working around the clock to mitigate the impact of an ongoing denial-of-service attack on our Battlefield 3 game infrastructure over the last several days. While the motives are unclear, the focus of the attack has been interference with network communications preventing access to multiplayer gameplay,” the developer wrote on the game’s forums.
Players have nothing to worry about though as DICE promised that this is simply a server attack and not an attempt to steal information. “At this point, no user data is involved. We share your frustration about the impact this has had to our service and the ability for many of you to play Battlefield 3. We are working tirelessly to mitigate the problem.”
Rolling server restarts have been implemented to try and combat the issue, but there still seems to be some issues.
“As a part of our efforts to resolve these issues, we’ve conducted rolling restarts of Battlefield infrastructure servers to apply some updates. Thank you for your patience and support while we work to get everyone back and playing Battlefield 3 as soon as possible. More updates to come,” the post concluded.
Yesterday the developer revealed news of the attacks for the first time on its Twitter account.