Capcom: Fiscal 2012 Results, Fiscal 2013 Plans
According to Capcom’s financial results for the fiscal year ended March 31, the company saw a 14.6% increase in net sales, and a 17.6% decrease in operating income from their previous fiscal year.
The company also reports ordinary income decreased 7.4% and net income decreased 55.8 percent.
Capcom’s report says that while Resident Evil 6 sold 4.9 million units, sales after its launch “subsequently plateaued,” and failed to meet the company’s projections. Dragon’s Dogma, however, was a “greater-than-expected hit” that they describe as a highly profitable, “unprecedented million seller.”
Ninja Theory’s DmC Devil may Cry is considered by Capcom to have “enjoyed stable popularity in overseas markets” and posted “solid sales.” They also consider Monster Hunter 3 a “smash hit.”
Capcom hopes to have a much more profitable fiscal year ending March 31, 2014, banking on such titles as Monster Hunter 4 and Lost Planet 3. The company says they’ll also be directing their development resources toward online games for mobile and PC platforms, as well as downloadable titles.
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